“You don’t have to hit to hurt.”
“Teach your children the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene.”
This post will definitely irk some folks. It’s going to get really judgmental up in here!
So, imagine this. You’re in a grocery store just minding your own business, walking down the aisle looking for something for dinner. You happen to hear a lady headed your way with a little child. Glancing at the little one, you notice straggly hair and dirty clothes. Messy face, even. What is the first thing that goes through your head when you see a child like that? Well, my first thought is, ‘maybe they’re tight on money or having a hard time right now. Maybe something is happening at home that’s caused a lot of stress and the parent is just taking a few minutes to get out of the house and just didn’t think about wiping her face or brushing her hair at that moment…’
Then I take in the rest of the scene. Now, the rest of the scene does not usually match the child’s appearance. 8 times out of 10, the parent is dressed in clean clothes with nice hair – yet they are quite okay with their child going out looking like that?
Now, I try so hard to give the benefit of the doubt for most parents with kids who look, for lack of a better term, NEGLECTED. But it really irritates me when the parents look so good and let their kids look filthy. I mean, it takes only a few minutes to brush their hair and clean their face…make sure they have clean clothes on before leaving the house. Even when I’m in a hurry, I make sure my babies look decent. Even if that means I’m not.
About a week or 2 ago, a guy came into my store with his little boy. He seemed to be dressed for work – decent enough clothes – and his little boy (looked about 5 years old) was dressed in normal attire. Boots seemed a bit big but otherwise okay. The first thing I noticed, though, was his hair. Almost a white blonde and very messy. Sticking up everywhere. It seemed like it wasn’t combed in a few days. My heart broke. I just don’t get it. I mean, he seemed to be a great dad, otherwise, but it only takes a couple minutes to comb your child’s hair – especially when it’s only 2 or 3 inches long.
Another instance at the store was over the summer last year. I’ll never forget. This woman came in with her 2 kids. A girl and a boy. She, herself, was looking her best. Make-up all done up and hair practically perfect. Her littles? Dirty hair and clothes. Clothes didn’t look like they fit well. Hair was messy and the girl looked like hers had knots throughout. My heart just broke for them.
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen a child come in and their teeth are all broken and rotted. They must be in so much pain because of abscesses and cavities.
Too many times. Way too many.
Contrary to this post, I really do try my hardest not to judge people. But when it comes to kids, I just can’t help it. Parents like this just make my blood boil. I don’t get it. I don’t understand how any parent can ignore even the most basic hygiene for their children.
Neglect. That’s exactly what this is 99% of the time. Irresponsible. Laziness. It’s irritating!
And it’s child abuse. Plain and simple.
So, have any of you mamas come across instances of that above? If so, what was your first thought on the matter? Do you think I’m wrong for judging so harshly? Share your thoughts, please.
One more question for you all. Everyone judges on certain parenting topics. What is your top ‘pet peeve’ on parenting?
I can’t wait to hear about it.
(This post is from my old blog site. Originally posted January 14, 2023.)