“I don’t believe in being transgender. It’s a mental illness that needs help. Not celebration. It’s disassociation with physical life. I’m so sick of it being praised. It’s a sickness.”
“Pushing kids into transgenderism is medical malpractice.”
“Parents and doctors who push transgenderism on kids should be thrown in prison.”
I have this under ‘Unpopular’ because it seems this particular topic has become pretty popular among the ‘woke’ folks. It seems those like me are among the minority these days.
First and foremost, I just want to make it clear, before y’all even start finding me prejudicial, I have never had a problem with how people want to look or who they want to love. Not even once.
Until they started bringing our children into everything! >.<
I didn’t care when gay pride became a thing (because living happily isn’t enough, we have to celebrate our sexuality now…well, not if we’re straight – that’s considered homophobic) or when cross-dressing was a thing…which turned into pretending to be the opposite sex and calling it ‘trans.’ Then that turned into actually cutting off parts and creating parts to try to become the opposite sex. Whatever. Not my business, right? Had absolutely nothing to do with me.
Then these people actually thought they should have special rights…or in their minds, ‘equal’ rights. For example – men (who play dress-up as women) demanded to use the women’s room and so they’ve been granted special access. What? Guess what that did for us! Yep…predators could now pretend they were women (even if they didn’t have anything feminine on/about them) and they were allowed to walk right in behind us. Right into our safe zone. They demanded they were allowed to play in women’s sports! Even though they’re physically stronger than biological women so how is that ‘equal’? Oh, and they want to get gynecological exams? Biologically impossible by all standards. Yet they demanded this anyway and guess what? When they sued the doctors who refused (because they weren’t physically equipped for that exam) they actually won!! How does that work?? This was all becoming legal, and we couldn’t do anything about it. And yes, this goes both ways. Which is why I don’t allow my 7-year-old son to use the restroom by himself. Ever.
All of that already put me on edge. How was I supposed to protect myself or my kids if a man, who ‘identified’ as a woman, decided to come into the restroom with me/us? I am very protective of my children and would do ANYTHING I had to do in order to keep them safe. But I’m not strong enough to fight off a man on my own and I’m not stupid enough to believe I can. Even so, it wouldn’t stop me from defending my kids with everything I had.
As I said, this was upsetting enough all on its own. Enter in what they’re doing now, and they just took it too far over the edge.
We have schools sending kids to the guidance office if they voice even the smallest feeling of confusion about their ‘gender identity’ (as they put it). The counselors, instead of digging and actually trying to help these kids sort out these feelings (which are completely NORMAL for their ages), are telling them it’s okay to feel that way and that they’ll learn to live with feeling the way they do. That they shouldn’t just brush them off. Pushing them to dress how they feel, to change their name to fit that gender, to even act like that gender. Instead of helping these kids, they’re confusing them even more!!

If that wasn’t enough to send parents over the edge, the government is legalizing all of this. Telling the schools they need to do this. Telling the doctors they need to do this. Trying to take away their parent’s rights to refuse the meds they’re putting these kids on. Parental consent is becoming a thing of the past. Telling these kids that they are able to consent to whatever drugs or surgery they want to change their gender. So, kids can consent to health threatening puberty blockers, even irreversible surgery, at very young ages…but they need parental consent for piercings or tattoos. This is insane! But still not the end of it.
They’re trying to get to kids even younger than school age. How? Oh, just through their favorite cartoon shows! Oh, yea. It’s happening. I’ve seen it myself. Blue’s Clues & You! Bubble Guppies! Even the newer Disney movies and shows. Causing them to ask questions. Instead of learning about their ABC’s, they’re being forced to learn about drag queens and pride parades. It’s getting way too out of hand.
I keep reading things online about kids being attacked with this. It’s shoved in their faces all the time now. And what’s worse? There are children out there whose parents are doing the shoving! Yea, I’m not even kidding. They brag about it all over social media. Forcing them to dress as the opposite gender – which, in most cases, causes teasing in school. Reading them books on ‘gender identity.’ And they’re allowed to do this…to their own children. But when a child wants drugs or surgery and their mother says no because her child is too young, and she’s RIGHT, that child is removed from her care for ‘child abuse.’
Can any of you moms help me wrap my head around the INSANITY of this? How is this made legal? How can anyone say this is okay in the slightest? How can a mother, even a father, be okay with doing this to their own child? Literal mutilation of their child’s body, whether it be temporary or permanent. How can they allow their child to be thrown into this horrid new ‘fad’…because that’s what it is.

Now, remember…I’m totally fine with someone loving another of the same sex. Don’t throw it in my child’s face. I’m fine with someone wanting to change their appearance (which is all they’re doing because you CANNOT change biology) but don’t throw it in my child’s face. Don’t follow me and/or my kids into the restroom. I don’t care what sex you love; I don’t care if you want to pretend to be something you’re not. But don’t shove it down our throats. That’s when I start to care.
Yes, I get it! You think kids will start asking questions about all of this at a young age…and maybe they will because that’s all they’re seeing everywhere they go now. But guess what? We don’t have to tell them everything. We can answer their questions honestly with short answers that don’t actually tell them a damn thing about it.
Now, I don’t know if any of you actually disagree with any of what I’ve said. If you haven’t heard or noticed any of this out there, or even most of this, I encourage you to take a look at the links below. These are just a few of the very many stories all over. You can search around on your own, if you’d like. There are so many to choose from.
If you enjoyed this mom-pinion, or even if you didn’t, I would be willing to bet you just can’t wait for the next one. It’s going to be good! Leave your own opinions below. 🙂
What these transgendering doctors do to children is absolutely criminal!
This is a post from my old blog site. Originally posted: September 29, 2022.