Too Busy To Mom?

I want to ask all you mamas out there a question! If you don’t want to answer, that’s totally fine. I just want opinions or proof of similar experiences. I can’t be the only one in this situation. Oh, and I also want to know if ya’ll are still in this particular situation or if ya’ll found a way out.

My question is – do any of you mamas out there feel like your job is taking priority over your life? Not in the ‘purposely put first’ way but that it has just snuck its way to that position. Does anyone else feel this way? Is anyone else out there shocked to find themselves too busy with work to be there for your babies or even feel like your job is forcing you to put your family last?

That is how I’m feeling lately.


The worst part – yes, I know, ‘how could it be worse?’ Well, the worst part is that I feel like there’s no way out of this situation. Not without lessening my hours (which equals less money) or just quitting my job altogether (which equals no money).

I’ve even tried getting a side job – or if it worked out, it’d actually be a 2nd job. I became a certified travel agent.

My FB page.

Only thing is, I don’t quite feel confident enough to book anyone without studying up on what I have to know because it takes a lot of time and patience. But I can’t very well study up if I’m working all the time and too tired to do anything once I’m home. So, even though I technically have another job, I can’t even do it.

How insane does that sound?

So, not only am I too busy and tired to spend time with my own family, but I’m also too busy for my travel business. The business that would make a little extra money which would help make more time for my family.

Go figure!

If I’m the only mama with this problem, and I know I can’t be, that’s fine. But any advice, anyway? And if any of ya’ll who have experienced or are currently experiencing this – or something close to this – PLEASE help me figure out a way to make more time in our lives to spend together…and if possible, build my business up. And, if I may go a tad further, have time to clean my house! Ha! (But in all seriousness, it’s a mess!)

Any advice has to be good advice.

On a side note! I got myself this super cute elephant incense burner. Found it on Amazon and wasn’t even very much. Definitely worth the few dollars I spent on it. Wanna check it out? Link is just above! I found that you can purchase coil incense that fit perfectly. I’ve only tried the cones so far. I would imagine that the sticks work, as well, since there are holes in the lid. The green is so pretty on this thing! I use it all the time now. So far, the only scent I have found that doesn’t give me a headache is the cinnamon. Ha!

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