Hey, Mamas!
I know I haven’t updated in some time, and I am so sorry about that.
I’ve just been trying to get through my course to make this site even better!
But I’m currently

So, now I’m trying to find new ways to get my site out there so I can get new readers and build it up as much as I possibly can! Even going so far as to make videos and share to social media in order to get word out!

If so, here is what you can do!
Just SHARE some of my posts to friends and family who may, at the least, be mildly interested in my content. I’d really appreciate all the help y’all can provide. It would really mean a lot.

On to the main reason for my update on life in the Frost household!!
Back in September, I lost my job.
I won’t go into detail…but long story short, my boss decided she didn’t love the idea of being less respected than me and so she found a reason to push me out.
So, I have been job-hunting and focusing on being here for my kiddos while working on my site.
See, I absolutely loved being a SAHM last time and while I’m loving it this time, it’s not as fun with the urgency to find a new job. Not that I expected it to be.

That said, it’s been so nice to not have to be up at 4am to prep everything for the kids for school before getting ready for work, myself. Also, I enjoy being able to do things with the kids that I couldn’t before because of work. I just love being there for them. I have missed out on so much with them.
Not to mention!! I have been able to keep the house a bit cleaner since I’m not as exhausted as I used to be. Also, I am actually making dinner more and not ordering as much pizza – which has been so nice. Though, I’m sure the kids aren’t as excited about that. Ha!
Oh yes, I’ve missed being home with my family.
Have any of you been a working mom for many years before you left that job or were ‘let go’? And after that, did you realize that you just loved being home with them more? Or did you prefer having something to do outside of the house?
If so, how did you cope? I mean, we can’t afford for me to just keep staying home because money is already tight as it is. And I haven’t been able to find something that I can do from home that doesn’t need a landline phone…to which I feel the need to say that last year we got rid of the landline option (and cable) with our internet to save money.

You know, they say that whether you’re a working mom or a SAHM, just being a mom is harder than anything and neither is easier or harder than the other. But I just have to say, being a working mom is much harder to me. I feel the need to say this because I have missed out on so much and nothing will ever bring those moments back. As you all know, all I’ve ever wanted to be is a mommy.
That’s not to say that one shouldn’t want to be a working mom. I know many who love having a job and being a mom. And to that I say, hell yea! Rock it, mama!
And I’m not saying that I don’t ever want to work again because that would be a lie. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I love writing. So, if I could find something great in that area, or even something small/short-term just to make a little money, I would be over the moon!
So now, I just have to find that if I can.

Any ideas?