“A little progress each day adds up to big results.”
“Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.”
Sometimes I put things off. I tell myself I’ll do it later or tomorrow. That I’m just too tired that day (which is not a lie). Day after day. It just keeps going in a vicious circle. I’ll admit completely that it is a horrible habit of mine…not without cause, though. I’m working on this…though, slowly.
Today after work I came home, and my kiddos wanted to play outside. They kept asking if they could stay outside to play as I was gazing at the gorgeous roses my girl and I planted by our back porch. (These ones seemed to flourish more than the three rose bushes I planted in front of our house.) Despite how pretty they looked, I noticed that I had been putting off the weeding of the flower beds. Realizing they weren’t going to let up and noticing that it was a pretty nice day to be outside comfortably, I told them we could stay outside for a while. Made their day!
Worked on the front flowerbeds first since they were worse off and where everyone else could see them. This feat took 2 hours alone. Once I finished, we headed to the back yard to do the one back there. Walking through the house like an old lady, I hoped I could get this one done in half an hour. This did not happen. Haha! It took me an entire hour for just this one. Once the beds were finished, and I pruned all 4 bushes, I dug out my watering can, and the kids helped me water our roses. They enjoyed this part more than taking all the weeds out and, in their case, playing with the roly-polies (I grew up calling them potato bugs…).
Once everything was done and cleaned up, I realized that I definitely need to get some mulch for these flower beds…or pretty rocks. Cannot wait to see how big these get. I planted them in early summer, and they’ve already grown more than I thought they would! Very pretty.
(This post was from my old blog site. Originally posted: October 2, 2021.)