“A child who reads will become an adult who thinks.” – Unknown
Good evening to all you lovely mamas out there in the blogging world. It’s been quite a long week and seems to be getting longer. Sometimes it seems to be never-ending. Working hours seem to go on and on while home hours just seem to be getting shorter and shorter.
I know I’ve posted about horribly long working hours before. It’s gotten better at work over the winter, but we’re still fairly short-staffed and summer is right around the corner. I know this summer is going to be much more demanding with restrictions lifted and nobody to take on the extra hours so those of us who are overworked can get a well-deserved break here and there.
I do quite love my job. I just wish I could find a way to make a bit more money. That way I don’t feel the need to work myself to exhaustion just to make ends meet. I seem to have less and less time with my babies because I’m either working or too tired to do anything with them once I’m finally home. No mother should have to choose between paying bills and being with her children. I have always tried to make sure my kids come before anything else!
Anyway, I’ve decided to start looking into other ways to make extra money. Not much luck with anything that wouldn’t take me away from the kids even more. Maybe in time, I can find a way to make money from my blog here. As of right now, I don’t think it’d work because I don’t have many people even visiting this site. Please, feel free to share so I can get more readers up in here!
Growing up, I used to write poems. Usually about how I felt about someone or something. I actually haven’t written one in quite a long time. Over the last few years, though, I’ve been toying with the idea of maybe writing children’s stories. I’ve never really entertained the idea much, but maybe I should. Or maybe I should try, at least. I would absolutely love to write a children’s book that kids really like.
I’m actually quite excited to see how well I could do at this. The only problem, other than making sure I write a great story, would be finding a person to publish any of the stories I would write. So, if anyone has an idea of who I could contact when I’m ready, let me know! It’d be much appreciated.
What kind of side-jobs do you mamas have to make a bit of extra money? Do you enjoy it, or do you prefer your full-time job, instead? Please let me know your thoughts!
(This is a post from my old blog site. Originally posted: April 9, 2022.)