Pedophilia is defined as ‘a sexual perversion in which an adult or adolescent experiences a primary sexual attraction to prepubescent children’ or ‘a mental disorder where an individual seeks sexual gratification from children.’
Pedophilia becoming normalized? Below are some sites explaining this.
The Normalization of Pedophilia – Focus Press

Okay, mamas. This is one of the hardest topics that I’ve ever brought up. Not just because it’s personal, but because no child should have to ever be put in a position that will harm them in any way. And this way? This is the worst crime against a child. And yet, there are actually people out there who are trying to change the laws so this can become legal and acceptable. If you haven’t yet, check out the links I posted above. These are just a few articles I’ve found on the forced acceptance of pedophilia in America.
Now, anyone who knows me also knows I’ll do ANYTHING to keep my babies safe. I don’t care who you are or what you mean to me…you touch my babies and I’ll end you. Any responsible and caring parent should have that same thought process for their own children. For ANY child in their presence.
I can’t even seem to find the words to describe how repulsive these ‘sympathizers’ are. It’s not just the creeps down the street who are trying to normalize this behavior and make this mental illness a legal “orientation”…it’s the people in Hollywood and even the government. It’s people even higher up than the that. How exactly are we moms supposed to win against people with power? Seems impossible, right? But we need to try. They know we realize it could be a losing battle. What they don’t know is that this is not a battle. This is a war. One we have every intention of winning.

Normally we’d have this in the bag, right? Due to the age of consent? Unfortunately, with everything else going on, they’re actually actively trying to lower the age of consent starting with other things. Such as medical procedures like hormone treatments and gender reassignment surgeries. If this happens, pedophiles will jump at the chance to argue that these kids are old enough to make those decisions so they must be old enough to consent to sex with adults.

Still seems odd, right? Because the legal age for alcohol and tobacco use is still 21. So, how can the age for anything worse be lowered? If they aren’t old enough to drink or purchase tobacco, how are they old enough to decide on surgeries or hormones? Or even to understand what becoming sexually active even means and the consequences that come with that?
Honestly, I don’t have all the answers for these questions. I just know that my heart and soul ache for all these kids whose lives are in peril right now. Those parents out there allowing their children to make these decisions involving irreversible changes to their own bodies – I just don’t understand them. Why they think it’s important for them to make these kinds of decisions without really understanding the consequences that come after? I get they want them to be independent in their decision making, I do. But they have to realize that their children are just too young for that, don’t they?
I am terrified. Our world is falling apart. Predators are out there all over this world. Possibly people we know! Some I do actually know. But there are millions more who could walk on by and we wouldn’t even know it! We can’t tell who they are just by looking at them. Most people can’t see the signs. These people aren’t very intuitive, and they can miss the subtle looks or touches. When it comes to our babies, we need to be hyper aware. Any time a child is around me, I make sure to be on the lookout for anything that seems off – sometimes without even knowing it. We are moms. It’s what we do.

These are horrifying times. Which is why we need to band together and win this war. I honestly believe that they think we’ll be intimidated and just roll over. They’re wrong. Mama bears don’t back down. Let’s bring out the claws! What do ya say? Are you with me?

(This post is from my old blog. Originally posted December 18, 2022.)