Being a mom today isn’t just all the cuddles and kisses, making dinner and playing in the backyard. That would be easy-peasy, right?
Well, here’s my question for all of you mamas. Have you ever felt like you’ve just about hit rock bottom and decided that you are tired of falling and you can’t take it anymore? That you’re tired of just feeling stressed and crappy all the time? That you need to make a change as soon as possible or you’re not sure if you’d be able to climb out anytime soon?
Well, I have been feeling that way for quite some time. I can just barely see a light shining through, so we haven’t hit rock bottom quite yet and I’m determined to keep that from happening. We have our kids, you know? They are our top priority.
So, I decided to do something. I need to make things better for my family.

I am working on a few other ways to bring in more money. My husband and I both work full-time jobs already and yet we still cannot seem to make ends meet. I mean, how does that work? I don’t get it. I don’t understand how.
It used to be that the husband can go off to work a full-time job and the wife can stay home with the kids. They were able to live comfortably. It’s only a few short years later and families with LESS kids and MORE jobs can’t even work that. HOW?!?

I am beyond baffled. I am also highly determined. So, if my ideas work out, I’ll technically have 2-3 jobs. At least until I can take it down to 1-2. Two jobs that I can actually enjoy, anyway, without hating my life and working myself into the ground.
Who needs that kind of life? Not being able to see your kids or have the energy to take them anywhere or do anything fun with them?
That’s a life that I’d loathe. And I do.
But I am looking forward to what I can do in the future. I just pray that it works out and we won’t have to continue struggling for very long.

I will need your help, though. I can’t work this out all on my own.
Now, if you don’t seem to like what I write about or some things I post, I totally understand. You can keep scrolling and none will be the wiser.
But if you do enjoy any of my posts and would like to help me out – mama to mama – then all I ask of you is to share.
Even if you only share, even just once, I will highly appreciate you.

In return, I can share yours (if you have one) or even link a website or page or SOMETHING in one of my next posts to help you out. Anything to help out a fellow mama, within my ability.
We need to lift one another up and help one another as much as we can.
I mean, who else would do it? 🙂

The world is changing so much.
We can’t let it change us.

I remember stating at home for just a short time after I had my children.. being a stay at home mom was absolutely amazing.. its one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs out there !💙
I was for Abby for 6 months once she turned 8wks old after Paris fired me. It was amazing. But couldn’t last due to money becoming tight. I miss it!! 🙁