“…and so are the Days of Our Lives!”
My entire childhood up until now, there is only one thing I’ve always had. One thing that, no matter what, kept going strong and never fails to make me feel better.
My dad told me once that from the day he and my mom brought me home from the hospital, he would hold me, and we’d watch our show together. At the same time every day since, we’d sit together, watching. Through the years, even after my parents split, even after all the times we have been apart, and even into my adult years, my dad and I would continue to watch our show. I always feel close to him, no matter how far apart we are.
When I realized how old our show really was, I asked him how long he’d been watching. He told me that he and his mom would watch it together when he was real young, too. This actually made me feel so happy for him. I’m sure he feels so close to his mom when he watches, as well.
I know this all sounds so lame. You’re probably thinking, why is this crazy lady telling us about a show that’s been around since the 50s? I’ll tell you.
As I sit here and binge on the last 4 episodes from this past week (it comes on as I get off work, so I record it), I’m thinking about how much this show has changed over the years. The characters, the settings/homes. And how much has been the same, like some of the older characters’ relationships/love stories. But even if those relationships change, one thing never will. The feeling I get when sit down to watch and think, “I wonder what dad thought about that!!!” Sometimes I message him and ask, and other times (usually well into the night) I just smile thinking about what he’d say.
I must say, I don’t remember watching with my grandma, though I’m sure I have at least once. Knowing that she was able to get my dad to watch, and he was able to get me to watch, I am so hoping that it’ll still be on the air long enough for me to get my daughter into it…and possibly for her to get her little one to watch. Don’t worry, though…I’m not holding my breath. I mean, it’s been on the air for about 60 years! It’d be a miracle if it lasted another 20-30.
I guess it would just be so nice to be able to pass it down through our family, this roller coaster of emotions we get only from watching Days of Our Lives.
I guess this was just a sentimental post tonight. Reminiscing on the past. Enjoying the memories. Loving every minute. Which is why this soap will always be my favorite show to watch. There will never be another. 🙂
So, what show do you usually turn to in order to make you feel better? Any that you used to watch with someone you love growing up? <3
(This post is from my old blog site. Originally posted December 19, 2021.)