“Take time to do what makes your soul happy.”
I don’t usually have time for a little self-care. Once in a while, though, I get the urge for pretty nails or a nice hair style…sometimes even a little eyeliner.
Well, today my daughter decided she needed some pretty nail time. Though, she didn’t just come to me, since I was at work, or her daddy to let us know. She let her daddy know this morning in a unique way. The Abby way.
He woke up to the smell of nail polish in our bedroom. Usually this means a huge mess to clean up and lots of stains afterward. Panicked, he jumped up and looked around, finding our daughter at the end of our bed with my pink nail polish. She was painting her own nails.
He asked her why she got into mama’s polish. She replied with, “I wanted to make my booboo toe pretty again…” Aww! 🙁
(Note: Two days ago, she dropped a restaurant-sized can of stewed tomatoes on her big toe and, almost immediately, a bruise formed under her toenail. My poor baby!)
Obviously, he couldn’t really be mad at her. So, he took the bottle, cleaned her up (though, she refused to let him touch her booboo toe) and told her that mommy will paint her nails after work if she asks nicely. She then informed him of one last little surprise.

“Daddy! I got you!” She told him she painted a line on his back while he was asleep. Sure enough, when he felt his back, there was a line of polish from one side of his back to the other. Ha! He asked her to remove it, of course, and she decided to take her sweet ol’ time.
She’s a little stinker, I tell ya. Always keeping us on our toes with her lovely messes. <3
What’s the most recent mess your kiddos have dished out? 🙂
(This was a post from my old blog site. Originally posted: October 25, 2021.)