“When I’m home, I like a cozy, comfortable, calming space.”
Hey, mamas! It’s been a little while. I just had my first week back to work after my birthday staycation. During my time off work, hubby and I decided to paint our living room for my birthday. The color we couldn’t stand to look at anymore was an off-white with a grey for the trim (around windows and doorways). We, by ‘we’ I mean ‘I’, decided to go with ‘wilderness trail’ green for the walls and coffee brown for the trim. It looks so much better. This project took us 3 whole days. I was so sore and tired each night, but the ending result was so worth it. It’s so pretty. And now I want to paint my dining room. Ha!!
Another thing happened for my birthday. Hubby decided to order me a new couch from http://www.aarons.com and I was quite surprised. I guess he was just tired of me finding one here and there online (secondhand as I figure it’s all we could afford) and trying to get him to go get it/them. Ha!! He said that this way it would be delivered…so he wouldn’t have to go get it…and our payments wouldn’t be very high at all since it was Cyber Monday. Fine with me! 🙂
So, this nice new couch was just delivered at noon today and I have to say, my little girl and I are in love. We decided to snuggle up and just be ‘cozy-wozy’ the rest of the night. She’s playing Talking Tom on her brother’s tablet and I’m watching Home Alone. My favorite Christmas movie of all time.

Pondering what to do about dinner tonight, I find myself not wanting to get off the couch now. This is a common problem for me on busy workdays (more so now that we have a comfier sofa). Usually on these days, I decide on ordering pizza. Each time I do this, I remember growing up we’d have pizza delivery once in a great while. It was always quite a special time. Now, when we have it more often, it doesn’t have that same special feeling. Even so, it’s still pretty darn tasty!! Pizza it is! 🙂
As Kevin McCallister says, “a lovely cheese pizza, just for me!” Little secret, though, I love me some pepperoni. My son is the one who prefers all cheese. 🙂
Well, guess I should make my babies’ tummies happy. You mamas have a wonderful rest of your night! I’ll try to update more often. <3
(This is a post from my old blog site. Originally posted: December 10, 2021.)