“If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it.” -Herodotus
It’s been quite a crazy week as a few of my fellow employees have been out sick at work so my apologies for not updating since the new year. Yesterday was my only day off last week, and I only had one day off the week before. So, I decided to wind down a bit by playing one of my all-time favorite games…
Amidst all the chaos at work and the constant cleaning up of the messes my mini tornados have been making, it was a comfort to boot it up and cause chaos for several of my sims. Call it a coping mechanism. It definitely helps. HA!
Another way I enjoy relaxing is reading. I just finished a book not long ago (which was a feat in the chaos of my minis…) and was thinking of starting another soon. My favorite book since I was a kid is The Giver. But I do love to read Harry Potter. Rereading that series is definitely comforting. 🙂
I just cannot wait to see if my babies will be bookworms or gamers…or both! Oliver is learning to read in school now and he’s doing so well. (Though his strength is in numbers and math, it seems. My little brainiac!) That doesn’t mean he’s going to prefer reading, though. He prefers watching videos of kids playing games…such an oddball. HA! Worse yet, he got his little sister into those types of videos, too. *facepalm*
Anyway, now y’all know how the three of us tend to relax, but my hubby decides he likes to head out to our garage and tinker away on whatever needs done out there. Sometimes he just likes to sit in his truck and watch videos on his phone. (TikTok, anime shows, etc.) He’s the strangest of us all (because of the anime in the truck, not the tinkering).
Well, I think I’m going to get off here and maybe have another dish of the ravioli I made for dinner. Yum! Maybe even ‘decompress’ a bit more. 😉
How do you mamas tend to relax when you actually get the chance to? Reading, video games, maybe even cleaning? I mean, a clean home is definitely wonderful, and I absolutely feel more relaxed after! Please share one of yours! 🙂
Have a fantastic night, mamas!! <3
(This post is from my old blog site. Originally posted: January 9, 2022.)