“Change is not popular; we are creatures of habit as human beings. ‘I want it to be the way it was.’ But if you continue the way it was, there will be no ‘is’.” – Robin Williams
“Change brings opportunity.”
“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited of what could go right.” Tony Robbins
I’ve never been one for change. I liked working in the uniforms cleaning company because it was the same thing every day. Go to work, do my job, and go home. It was pretty simple. I always had weekends off. I always knew my schedule. And the work where I was stationed was pretty simple. I made enough to stay in my duplex apartment that I loved. I didn’t love where it was located but the space was nice. I was working in that company for nearly 5 years!
When I lost my job there right after having my baby girl, I was thrown into the unknown. The last time I didn’t have a job, which I left of my own will, it was just me. But now I had an entire family to think of. I was in a major panic. Hubby had to calm me down and told me we’d figure it out. So, I was a SAHM…which was amazing! I loved being with my babies every day. Especially since I worked through most of Oliver’s baby stage. It was so great to be home with Abigail throughout a good portion of hers. I miss being able to spend the entire day with them. Now that they’re both in school, I’ll never get that chance again. The small amount of time I had, just the 3 of us, was wonderful, though.
Alas, it didn’t last long. Less than 6 months, actually. Money was tight and we were having to choose between bills, groceries, and rent. Something no family should have to do. We had come across a little luck and moved from our house that we were renting to a smaller house with a nice yard for the kids to play in. I used to work with the lady who had been looking to sell the house…so she gave us a deal. Rent-to-own with everything included in the rent. This helped us out a lot, but we still couldn’t seem to get by with any wiggle room. So, I had to start looking for another job. Preferably close to home since I couldn’t drive yet. Not an easy search.

After a bit, I did find that Subway was hiring right by our house. But the shift I needed wasn’t available at that one. They sent me to the one by our mall, which meant hubby needed to drive me. After about 3 weeks, we realized the pay there wasn’t enough. So, I started looking for yet another job. Lucky for me, an ex-coworker of hubby was working at this little convenience store and told him they were currently hiring and that I should definitely apply.
I applied, interviewed, and was hired on the spot. I started there 2 weeks later. I found that I really liked working there. The environment, the people…it was much different, but I liked it. I learned so much here. I was taken from my comfort zone quite a bit! It’s not just the job that challenges me, but the people. If it weren’t for them, I probably wouldn’t be as outspoken, independent, or even have my driver’s license! This place has changed me in so many ways.

I have been here for over 4 years now and, as of this moment, I have no plans to leave. When it does come to a point where I feel my time here is coming to an end, I just know that I’ll leave this place so much stronger for it. And I’ll definitely have a few people to thank for it. 🙂
I know that change will be quite scary but I’m sure it’ll be worth it. I’ve been through so much this past decade and came out stronger than I ever thought possible. It hasn’t been just work-related, either. I’ve lost people who meant the world to me. I’ve also gained people I love more than anything. I’m no stranger to change, whether drastic or mild. I just don’t like it.

It’s a cruel world (especially these last few years) but it makes us stronger so we can deal with it better.
I’m definitely a creature of habit but my past experiences have shown me that change isn’t always bad. It can be exciting as well as terrifying! Don’t get me wrong, though. I know a lot of things that are better off just staying the same. So, depending on the circumstances, just go with the flow and see where things take off. If you know it’s a bad idea, or you get bad vibes, don’t take that chance. But if you feel it could change your life and you get excited just thinking of the possibilities – take that leap, girl!
Just make sure you know the difference!
This is a post from my old blog site. Originally posted: September 18, 2022.