“You can do anything, mama, but not everything.”
“If you stumble, make it part of the dance.”
Hey, mamas! I apologize for the long gap in between posts. February was quite a busy month…and I’m sure that this month is going to be so much busier. (And feel so much longer!!)
So, one thing that’s always gotten me is Groundhog Day. No shadow = 6 weeks till spring. Shadow = 6 more weeks of winter. Correct me if I’m wrong, but either way: 6 weeks. Right? Just a big money-maker if you ask me.
Then at work the company was opening a new store so our manager had gone to help out. Therefore, I was the acting manager. It was challenging but nowhere near as bad as last summer’s few weeks. I thought I did pretty darn well and was even told so by a few noticing from afar. *shrug*
Due to some events during those couple of weeks, we had to terminate one of our employees. Not much of a loss as this person didn’t really do much to begin with. We had a few interviews scheduled during those weeks, as well. None of them showed. Shocker! I don’t get it though…people want a job but don’t want to show up or do any of the work. Guess that’s what we get when they’re just given money for free.
Once she returned from the new store, we had some changes to our store. Bigger responsibilities for the managers…which should have happened a long time ago, to be honest. We’ll see how it goes. 🙂
Last week I went and helped move my Gramma to her new apartment. Or rather, helped bring stuff up to her apartment from the moving truck after visiting for a couple hours. My dad and brother-in-law made about 3 trips from her house to the apartment. We were in so much pain after. Them more than me. That was a LOT of stairs. Her apartment, though…I love it. My first apartment was about a third of the size. It was nice catching up with her. Oh, and I totally wish I could have as much wall space as her. I just really want so badly to help her decorate her walls with lots of family photos!!
Then, my sister decided (instead of getting our nails done at a salon like we normally do once in a while) she’d get an at-home nail salon kit for us to try out. First time, mine looked not-so-good. Second, much better but still needs improvement. Some of the colors are so pretty. We’re no pros but it’s wayyy cheaper than a salon…and much easier to remove. 🙂
This past week, my baby girl started getting a cold. She had a fever a few days ago but it went down within the day. She slept most of the day yesterday and has been feeling much better today. My boy has had a cough and stuffy nose most of the winter. So, nothing new with his, knock on wood! But she doesn’t usually get sick. So, I’m just hoping hers lifts soon. Fingers crossed!
So yes, it’s been quite a month. Body aches galore! Picked up some overtime this week as we had to terminate another employee for job abandonment, which was strange. So, the body aches aren’t going anywhere. :/

On top of all of this, I received a painful notification for something I wasn’t expecting. This morning, at work none-the-less, I received a calendar notification of the EDD (estimated due date) for my summer pregnancy/miscarriage. Today is my EDD for Emery. My angel baby. Really hit hard…especially since I forgot that I even made that calendar notification. Since my last two babies arrived 3 days late, I probably would have gone into labor on the 5th of this month. I really jumped the gun when I found out I was pregnant back in June. I was terrified at first but then embraced it. I loved being pregnant with my first 2 and knew this would be the same. Never in a million years would I have suspected the possibility of losing my baby. I had decided to get a plaque made for our angel baby. Which meant we needed a name. The kids and I settled on Emery. We weren’t sure of the sex so I made sure the name would be gender neutral. The plaque I had made for the tree we planted in our yard…which is still a baby, but I can’t wait to see the blossoms once it’s grown out a bit. The kids, well Abigail, had a blast helping me plant our new tree. Hard work but so worth it. <3
So, all-in-all the last month (including today) has not been the best. Here’s to hoping for a better month ahead. *Fingers crossed*
How has your month been, mamas? 🙂
(This post is from my old blog site. Originally posted: March 2, 2022.)
Ur superwoman.. lol nah but you should be extremely proud of your hard. Uy