“Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”
It’s been a long time coming. The sun. The big blue sky. The birds singing. Oh, and soon there’ll be dandelions and the trees blossoming and becoming green again. All my favorites!

I’m actually looking forward to seeing if my angel baby’s cherry tree blossoms this year. (From what I read about planting the tree, I may have actually killed it… 🙁 ) I guess we’ll have to wait and see, huh?
One thing is definitely certain…I cannot wait to be able to get out and go for walks. I have missed that. Since I’ve started driving, I’ve kind of neglected walking places. The sis and I have been talking all winter about taking the kids to the playground and letting them run wild. Much needed sister time…and cousin time for them!
Who else is excited for warmer weather and sunshine?? I know I am!
Don’t worry, though. In June, I’m sure I’ll be complaining that it’s too hot outside and probably hide in my room with the A/C on. Ha!
Oooh! I can’t wait to see how well my rose bushes bloom, too! Yay! Although, I do need to pull the weeds from the beds and get some pretty rocks to throw on them. 🙂
Alright, well, I suppose I should get some shuteye. It’s almost midnight and I have to be up by 5am for work. Just got home from a 2p-10p shift a bit ago and needed to share my excitement for the coming spring weather.
Happy Spring!
(This was a post from my old blog site. Originally posted: March 21, 2022.)