“A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.”
Okay, mamas. I know this topic isn’t well-liked among many mothers. But I feel it needs discussed. Especially since our babies are worth protecting against anything and anyone.
Now, I used to be against having guns in a house with kids. Mainly because they seem to ALWAYS find a way to get hold of one. Kids are very smart. They’re always listening and always watching. They are creative enough to find a way to climb up to that top shelf. It’s very scary.
As I grew older, and somewhat wiser, I realized that it’s better to have one in the house to protect those kids. Locks! Locks are your best friend. Even if they do get hold of that gun from the top shelf, a gun lock will prevent so much pain.
Still not sure? Let me play out a scenario…
Okay, say someone breaks into your home and you don’t have time to grab a knife from the kitchen. Not to mention, who wants to get close enough to the intruder to actually use it? Also, he may have a gun on you or your children by the time you get back or before you even have time to jump to your feet! And the baseball bat by the door? No longer available as you’d have to get past him to even get to it…and again, you’d have to get close enough to use it while he points his gun at you. Quite a pickle.
Sooo…if you had your own pistol (and practiced using it so you’re an awesome shot), this could be taken care of in much less time and with (God willing) much less blood.
Guns aren’t a terrible weapon in the right hands. If we give up our own guns, it will not solve the issue of shootings in schools or thugs killing off folks in the streets. They’ll still find ways to get them. Which means we need to keep ours (or get one if you don’t already have one), practice when we can, and make sure we can protect our own.
We are the only ones who can!

That being said…I’m excited to announce that I’m finally able to renew my carry permit. Which means I can start carrying my pistol again. With everything going on these days, that’s very important. Especially since I always have my babies with me. Of course, I’ll have my pepper spray but that only goes so far and really only works as the element of surprise if there’s one attacker. Multiples is a different story.
Recap: Not only is it a constitutional right to own a gun, it’s also a basic human right to protect yourself and your family. I will fight till my last breath to protect my babies against ANYTHING and ANYONE!
This mama lion ain’t messin’ around!
(This post is from my old blog site. Originally posted: March 8, 2022.)