Hey mamas! So, I have a funny story about a particular diaper rash cream. Desitin Maximum Strength. I don’t know if many of you have heard of this product, but it was the ONLY diaper cream that worked for both of my kids. They used to get such bad rashes. Anyway, the story I have to tell you is quite funny. I mean, it wasn’t at all funny back when it happened. In fact, I was horrified at the sight. Extremely mortified. Yeah, it was THAT awful!
Back when my daughter was about a year or two old, she and my son (her older brother) loved to get into EVERYTHING! I’m telling you right now, that’s not even a tiny exaggeration!
I’d be at work and whether hubby would sleep in a tiny bit or get up early, they would always be up earlier than him. Even if he was up at 6am! My son would get his sister up and out of her room. They’d come downstairs, if they already weren’t downstairs, and make such huge messes. I remember a rather large mess. Most of that mess was cereal that must have been left on the counter within reach. Of course, Oliver was just big enough then to move table chairs and climb onto them.

Now, the desitin, that mess was the absolute worst we’ve ever had…and we’ve had so many bad messes. I cannot even begin to explain how bad. I mean, the closest I could come would be peanut butter. We all know how bad that can get!!

So, I’m at work and I get a message from my hubby. It’s not a very happy one. It was a pretty angry one. An angry video of our furniture, our coffee table, our end stands, our floors, and our tv. All of which were smeared with desitin cream. Just EVERYWHERE!

Now, obviously, you can tell that it wasn’t just a normal tube of cream to make that kind of mess – though a little bit definitely goes a LONG way! Nope. This was a tub size. So just imagine the absolute CHAOS this caused!

As bad as all that was, the picture he sent me next was just…HILARIOUS! Just hilarious.

My little girl was covered. Head to toe. She looked like those old movie ghosts, ya know, the ones with the white face paint and baby powder in the hair. I couldn’t help but just laugh so hard! Even as angry as I was for my furniture – seeing that look on her face – covered in white goop. So worth it!
As funny as that look was, though, the cleaning up was quite difficult. I mean, it’s been a few years now and I still have desitin inside the edges of my tv…and had I not gotten rid of it, the prints would still be on my brown sofa.
But! As difficult as THAT was, nothing compares to the cleansing of my child! Oh my gosh, mamas, it was horrible. Getting her skin clean was easy-peasy. It was the inch-thick cream in her hair that was the problem! TWO baths later and her hair was STILL so greasy! I tried so hard to get it all out. Even extra shampoo. Didn’t work! So, I decided to do a little research on how other mamas handled this particular situation. Turns out, more mamas than I thought had the same problem as I did. Their kiddos put desitin in their hair.
So, I sifted through their ‘remedies’ and came across one that seemed to work well for more than one mama. Baking soda. And Guess what came next?

I covered her head (after wetting) in baking soda, scrub-a-dub-dubbed and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rinsed it out really well. Then I shampooed again. I was kinda skeptical because her hair still felt a bit greasy. So, I waited for it to dry before deciding to find another way. Once it finally dried, mamas, it was clear of all diaper cream!
It was such a good feeling having her hair back to normal and being able to put that whole – situation – behind me. I mean, I kept the photos, of course. And we still have the tv as a reminder. But it was definitely a learning experience.
We laugh about it all now, but it was definitely a very stressful few days back then.
Peanut Butter, you ain’t got nothing on Desitin Maximum Strength!
Now, I need to hear an experience that you mamas went through that is similar to this one. One that you weren’t sure was ever going to end. Comment below, please. I need to know I’m not alone in that torment. 🙂
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